Description: Craigieburn and Sunbury trains terminate and originate at Southern Cross from 9:30pm to last service each night, Sunday 16 March to Wednesday 19 March, due to maintenance works.
Status: Planned
Type: Planned Works
From: 2025-03-16 21:30:00
To: 2025-03-20 03:00:00
Description: Craigieburn and Sunbury line trains run direct to and from Flinders Street, not via the City Loop from 9pm to last service each night, Sunday 30 March to Wednesday 2 April, due to maintenance works.
Status: Planned
Type: Planned Works
From: 2025-03-30 21:00:00
To: 2025-04-03 03:00:00
Description: Due to a planned outage at Footscray Station, customers will not be able to use myki devices to Touch on/Touch off or to perform Top ups from 1pm on Wedneday 5 March to 7am on Thursday 6 March 2025.
Status: Planned
Type: Power outage
From: 2025-03-05 13:00:00
To: 2025-03-06 07:00:00
Description: Craigieburn and Sunbury trains terminate and originate at Southern Cross from 9:30pm to last service each night, Sunday 16 March to Wednesday 19 March, due to maintenance works.
Status: Planned
Type: Service Information
From: 2025-03-16 21:30:00
To: 2025-03-20 03:00:00
Description: Buses replace trains between North Melbourne and Sunshine from 1am Saturday 29 March to 7pm Sunday 30 March, due to Metro Tunnel works.
Status: Planned
Type: Planned Works
From: 2025-03-29 01:00:00
To: 2025-03-30 19:00:00
Description: Buses replace trains between North Melbourne and Sunshine from 1am Saturday 5 April to last service Sunday 6 April, due to Metro Tunnel works.
Status: Planned
Type: Planned Works
From: 2025-04-05 01:00:00
To: 2025-04-07 03:00:00